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the Earth


the Earth


the Earth

Every aspect of this world is animated with its own Being and Consciousness.


Connecting with the living earth allows us to recognize our wholeness, this allows us to step back into our relationship with things of the earth, our mother. 

Bonding with Your Wand


Hold your Elemental Wand in both hands, become familiar with its name, numerology and energy. Connect with the faces, they will begin to speak to you.


Notice the lovely fragrance, it will allow you to feel at peace and connected to your wand. Walking among nature with your wand allows the wand to communicate with the elemental kingdom and its natural environment.



Using the Wand for Meditation


Hold your wand and connect with it as you would your favorite crystal. Each Elemental Wand remains connected to Mother Gaia and the Tree Beings that reside on the sacred land they where they were born, each has taken on the mission to be of sacred service to both the land and you.


The intention of the wand is to be a bridge for communication between the elemental realm and human beings. If that becomes your intention as well, then the lines of communication will open between you and your wand.


Allow the intelligence and spirit of all the elements, earth, water, air, fire and ether to come forward and bless you with open communion. How open and receptive you are to listening will determine what you hear.



Love to Dance?


Why not dance with your wand and let your energy flow through your hands as you move throughout the room. 


Allow JOY to move through you!  What a fun way to connect.


Enjoy Your Journey with the Elemental Wand!

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